Trans Care BC Peer Support Directory - Public Form

The privacy and safety of your group is important to us. Please do not include your personal contact information. Provide only the contact information required for your group. If you are running a  virtual support group, please share an email address where the Zoom link can be provided, rather than providing the link directly. Required questions are noted with an asterisk (*).

If you have questions or concerns with this form, please contact
*Brief description of your peer group
Please include any important details (i.e. age range, etc.) 

*Is your group (select all that apply)
*Region your group supports
Address of group (if in person)
*Specific focus of support (select all that apply)

Registration details (i.e. how to register, date/time of group, etc.)
For example: Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, from 6pm-8pm
If you have any other comments (such as request to remove group, additional building access information, etc.) please leave a detailed note here.