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1.0. Project overview

Partnering on Appropriate Virtual Care Collaborative (PAVC) project is a collaboration between Healthcare Excellence Canada, and Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA): Provincial Virtual Health (PVH) and Provincial Language Services (PLS).

As a part of this project, our team is seeking to engage with community members, including patients and caregivers, to understand their experience with virtual health.

Note: We are also seeking engagement with those who may not have experience with virtual health. Their insight will allow us to understand reasons why they did not receive virtual health, any barriers experienced, and identify areas of improvement.

1.1. Project aim

The aim of this project is to create a resource which outlines what are considered safe, high quality, and culturally sensitive virtual health interactions between community members and health care team members.

This project is specifically focused on needs of linguistically diverse communities whose members have limited English proficiency (or who do not have English as their first language) and are interested in receiving care virtually.

We plan to implement the resource across PHSA in 2024, and it will be available for community members and health care team members to reference when receiving or providing virtual health care.

To ensure the resource we create includes point of view of community members who are directly involved in health care, we are launching an online survey (more information provided in the next section).

2.0. Collection notice

Your engagement with us on this project is completely voluntary. If you wish to proceed, we may need your email address to contact you for a follow up.

If you choose to provide your email address, please note that this collection is authorized by section 26(c) and 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The purpose of collection is to communicate with you as a follow up for prize draw, and/or project summary report, only if you consent to it. Any personal information you provide will be stored on secure PHSA network drive, with limited access, for a maximum of 10 years.

Please also note that there are some open-ended questions you need to answer as a part of this survey. We do not wish to collect any information that might identify you. We encourage you not to provide any identifying information, such as names, ages, or identification numbers, in your answers to open ended questions.

We thank you in advance for your time and valuable input.

If you have any concerns, comments, or questions about this, feel free to contact the Project leader via email to .

Note: Throughout the survey, asterisk sign (*) is used to define a given term.