Who should complete this survey?
People who provide (or work at a clinic that provides) hepatitis C treatment in British Columbia. Please also share this link with other people in your network to help achieve a HepC-Free BC!

What is the purpose of the survey?
The ultimate purpose of this survey is to improve linkage with care for people in BC affected by hepatitis C. Survey data will be used to create an online database of hepatitis C treaters in British Columbia to help referring physicians and members of the public be able to easily locate hepatitis C treatment providers who can meet specific client needs.

Why is the database important?
It has been identified that people affected by hepatitis C in BC have difficulty in locating the nearest treatment provider or clinic that can meet their needs. Currently available clinic and physician databases covering BC and Canada do not discriminate between hepatitis C screening providers and treatment providers, and do not indicate special services offered.

Please note: If you have any exceptions regarding the services your clinic offers in regards to hepatitis C treatment (e.g. you only treat clients who are currently receiving OAT at your clinic), these can be entered at the end of the survey, and we will ensure this information is included in the database.