*Complex Chronic Diseases Headstart Patient feedback

The Complex Chronic Diseases Program (CCDP) at BC Women's Hospital is planning a new program, CCDP Headstart, to provide services to people who have been patiently waiting on our long waitlist. We know the long wait has been difficult for many people and we would like to provide self-management education during this period. We would appreciate input from the ME/FM community as we design the program content which will be delivered as a series of 4 or 5 webinars. The CCDP provides care for adults of all genders, and is comprised of medical assessment and treatment, as well as self-management education, in which our clients have a central role in managing their illness. Our program provides education, coaching, and support that help our clients make informed decisions about their care and engage in behaviours that promote well-being. It is a group-based model, offering elective groups virtually that allow clients in the program to engage with our health professional team to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. CCDP Headstart will be a stand-alone webinar program providing education on a variety of health and self-management topics and tools. The program will cover topics spanning sleep, nutrition, stress management, pain, pacing, and more. The aim is to provide knowledge and skills for attendees to improve their global health, wellbeing and complex chronic disease management. Those on the waitlist can participate in CCDP Headstart whether or not they go on to participate in other CCDP offerings.